Category: Automation

AWX Oddities with MikroTik

Something I just came across recently is I’ve had to switch to using “Machine” credentials with MikroTik RouterOS v7 devices instead of “network” credential types. I’m not 100% sure why this is yet, but something that will maybe help someone facing the same issue. Honestly I don’t have any v6 routers left to check this

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Git for Network Engineers – Part 2

Getting Started In Part 1 we discussed why git for network engineers. In this part of the series we will start discussin how to start using git and creating your first repository. The first thing would be to install git. This process varies by platform, but there are instructions right on the git website for

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Git for Network Engineers – Part 1

Transitioning from a traditional network engineer to an automation engineer can come with a steep learning curve. Terms like git, merge, squash, branch, and rebase can be daunting. While there are many “getting started” tutorials out there for git, it feels like most of them are geared toward programmers and those who have team members

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AWX Isolated Node Setup

Isolated nodes in AWX/Tower are used to do work in remote or secured networks. The only connection required is SSH between the “controller” node (the main AWX/Tower instance), and your remote node. This device can now do work for you in this remote network.  The problem with setting these up is that I have yet

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Variable Issues in Ansible

This will be a short post today, feeling pretty dumb. Just learned the hard way that Ansible variable names can not start with numbers. It even says so in the first line of the documentation on variables: You’ll get some pretty weird output if you try and start them with numbers. Basically it parses

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Useful Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands

Ansible doesn’t always have to be crazy complex playbooks doing super cool stuff. Sometimes, it’s really useful to get some output from al your devices like versioning, VLANs, IP addresses, etc… Here I plan to collect some of the one-liners I end up using so others can see what’s possible. This will be a dynamic

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